A magnificent arrangement of seventy red roses, perfect for brightening the day of that important someone in your life. This bouquet is a symbol of everlasting love and passion. This bouquet of red roses is the perfect token of your love for that special someone. In honour of your lifes achievements and triumphs, heres a bouquet for you. That would be a perfect present for any event. This beautiful floral arrangement can be ordered on any day to bring joy to your loved ones.This gift consists of:70 premium red Naomi roses with long stems
This gift consists of:70 premium red Naomi roses with long stems
Birthday, Boyfriend, Congratulation, Fathers'Day, Flowers, Girlfriend, Graduation Gift Baskets, Her, Him, House Warming, Husband, Mom, Mothers'Day, Over €175, Retirement Gift Baskets, Valentine's Day, Wedding, Wife
Best Wishes With Rose
Original price was: €299.60.€290.66Current price is: €290.66.
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