Indulge in the ultimate expression of love with our Elegance in Red: 100 Long-Stemmed Roses Bouquet. This exquisite arrangement features 100 premium red Naomi roses, each carefully selected for its rich color and velvety petals. The long stems add an element of sophistication, making it a statement piece that’s perfect for any romantic occasion. Whether it’s an anniversary, a proposal, or just because, this bouquet speaks volumes without saying a word. Arranged with care and attention to detail, each rose is in prime condition, ensuring your gift is nothing short of breathtaking. Elegantly wrapped and delivered fresh, this stunning bouquet is sure to impress and delight.
It consists of:100 premium red Naomi roses with long stems bouquet
Best Sellers, Birthday, Boyfriend, Congratulation, Fathers'Day, Flowers, Girlfriend, Graduation Gift Baskets, Her, Him, House Warming, Husband, Mom, Mothers'Day, Over €175, Retirement Gift Baskets, Valentine's Day, Wedding, Wife
Elegance in Red: 100 Long-Stemmed Roses Bouquet
Original price was: €404.10.€394.12Current price is: €394.12.
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