Experience the elegance of our Elegant Red Rose Bouquet. This arrangement boasts 30 impeccable Red Naomi roses, celebrated for their rich red hue and plush petals. Each stem is handpicked to ensure a bouquet that stands as a symbol of love and romance. This dazzling display of flowers is ideal for any special occasion, whether it’s a romantic anniversary or a gesture of appreciation. Their soothing fragrance and vibrant color make them a perfect addition to any home or office, creating a welcoming atmosphere. Present this bouquet to someone dear or indulge in its luxurious beauty yourself. The Red Naomi roses’ timeless elegance and heartfelt symbolism will always make a lasting impression, no matter the occasion.
This Gift Consists of:•30 Red Naomi Roses
Birthday, Boyfriend, Congratulation, Fathers'Day, Flowers, Girlfriend, Graduation Gift Baskets, Her, Him, House Warming, Husband, Mom, Mothers'Day, Retirement Gift Baskets, Under €175, Valentine's Day, Wedding, Wife
Elegant Red Rose Bouquet
Original price was: €153.90.€148.40Current price is: €148.40.
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