Indulge in the beauty of this round bouquet featuring a delightful blend of apricot, pink, and red hues. The arrangement includes charming roses, delicate carnations, and elegant alstroemerias, creating a harmonious symphony of colors and textures. Accented with pistachio and aralia leaves, this bouquet exudes sophistication and grace. It’s a perfect gift choice to convey heartfelt emotions and add a touch of elegance to any occasion.
The gift contains:• Round bouquet in apricot-pink-red with roses, carnations and alstromerias. Pistachio and aralia are used as accessories.
Birthday, Boyfriend, Congratulation, Fathers'Day, Flowers, Girlfriend, Graduation Gift Baskets, Her, Him, Husband, Mom, Mothers'Day, Retirement Gift Baskets, Under €125, Valentine's Day, Wedding, Wife
Radiant Bouquet With Roses
Original price was: €97.90.€87.02Current price is: €87.02.
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