Embrace the beauty of nature with our Blossom Bliss Bouquet. This stunning arrangement features a harmonious mix of delicate Santini, radiant roses, and fiery carnations, beautifully complemented by the elegant gypsophila and lush pistachio greens. Each flower is meticulously chosen for its freshness and vibrant colors, creating an exquisite blend that captivates the senses. The Santini blooms add a touch of softness, while the radiant roses bring elegance and charm. The fiery carnations inject a burst of vibrant hue, perfectly balanced by the delicate gypsophila and rich green foliage. Measuring approximately 40 cm in stem length, this bouquet is ideal for any occasion, whether it’s celebrating a special moment or simply brightening up your day. Treat yourself or surprise someone special with the joyful, loving, and naturally elegant Blossom Bliss Bouquet. Its enchanting beauty is sure to leave a lasting impression.
This Gift Consists of:•Delicate Santini, Radiant Roses And Fiery Carnations, With Gypsophila And Pistachio Greens stem length of approx. 40 cm
Birthday, Boyfriend, Congratulation, Corporate Gifts, Fathers'Day, Flowers, Girlfriend, Graduation Gift Baskets, Her, Him, House Warming, Husband, Mom, Mothers'Day, Retirement Gift Baskets, Under €75, Valentine's Day, Wedding, Wife
Blossom Bliss Bouquet
Original price was: €48.90.€44.45Current price is: €44.45.
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