Delight in the modern elegance of this ensemble featuring yellow, orange, purple, red, green, and pink flowers. Each bloom, with its contemporary charm, adds to the stylish allure of the bouquet. Tied together in a chic arrangement, this ensemble is a celebration of sophistication, vibrancy, and style. The combination of colors creates a modern twist on the classic rainbow, with each hue complementing the next in perfect harmony. As you behold this ensemble, you’ll feel captivated by its unique beauty, as if each flower was carefully chosen to create a work of art. Whether it’s a special occasion or a moment of appreciation, this ensemble adds a touch of modern elegance to any setting.
The gift contains:• A modern and playful bouquet of yellow, orange, purple, red and green and pink color flowers (Vase not included)
Birthday, Boyfriend, Congratulation, Fathers'Day, Flowers, Girlfriend, Graduation Gift Baskets, Her, Him, Husband, Mom, Mothers'Day, Retirement Gift Baskets, Under €75, Valentine's Day, Wedding, Wife
Modern Rainbow Ensemble
Original price was: €59.90.€49.40Current price is: €49.40.
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