Experience the harmony of pink and orange with this bouquet featuring 10 stems of lilies. Each stem, with its vibrant hue, adds to the balance of colors. Tied together in a harmonious arrangement, this bouquet is a celebration of unity and beauty. The mix of pink and orange creates a harmonious display, like a symphony of colors in perfect balance. As you admire this bouquet, you’ll feel surrounded by a sense of harmony and joy, as if every flower was carefully chosen to create a masterpiece of nature. Whether it’s a special occasion or a moment of appreciation, this bouquet adds a touch of color and elegance to any setting.
The gift contains:• Beautiful bouquet of 10 stems with a mix of pink and orange lilies.(Vase not included)
Birthday, Boyfriend, Congratulation, Fathers'Day, Flowers, Girlfriend, Graduation Gift Baskets, Her, Him, Husband, Mom, Mothers'Day, Retirement Gift Baskets, Under €75, Valentine's Day, Wedding, Wife
Pink And Orange Harmony
Original price was: €71.90.€61.28Current price is: €61.28.
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